Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Countdown to Spring: The Pitter-Patter of Little Feet

The birds are in search of food, especially now that the snow has covered, well, everything.  I would normally have a feeder out for them, filled regularly with a mix that appealed to most of the bird population as well as a few squirrels.  Things have been very tight financially, though, so the feeder sadly sits in storage, still waiting to serve.

While I can’t give them standard winter bird food fare, I always strive to give them something.  Whether it’s a couple of slices of 12-grain bread, a few crackers, some steel-cut oats that I mistakenly bought  (the container looked just like my preferred old-fashioned cut oatmeal), and even dry cat food (no lie, they eat this first), I leave them something at least once a day.  It may not be the seed mix from the the heavy duty plastic or paper bag that which makes me shake my head at the price and walk away at the grocery store, but they still gobble it up.

Birds make the rounds in search of food this time of year, going from house to house in search of a kind human’s generosity.  While the group that stops here is diverse , it’s the starlings who make their presence known first thing in the morning.  Shortly after sunrise, I’ll hear what sounds like raindrops on the metal roof over my head.  Now, when it’s cloudy and above freezing, there is the possibility of it being rain.  But when it’s 5°F and the sky is cloudless, there’s something else afoot and it’s usually them.  I’ve opened my front door and seen a flock of at least two dozen of those gold and white-flecked black birds take off and head for the nearest trees or telephone wires, only to return to the roof once I go back inside.  It’s a great view of the morning’s food supply spots, including my front steps.  Some consider them the bullies of the bird feeders, but even bullies need to eat.

And so, I will continue to feed my feathered wanderers whatever I can, and when my funds improve, their fodder will as well.  Until then, I shall continue to give them what I can to keep them going until warmer days, when their natural food supplies return.  I can only hope that the rest of the bird lovers are doing the same.

Only 44 days until spring.

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1 comment:

DaleAnn said...

As I read and shiver I can't help the same thought from recurring. Fly south birdies, and fly south Lauren Dale. We have plenty here in Tuscan for birds and sisters too.