Thursday, October 16, 2014

Train Ride - Some Poetry for a Thursday Night

This is dedicated to my dad, Jim Swartzmiller, who rode the rails as a fireman in his earlier years, long before a family and programming at IBM came into his life.  But, his love of trains remained constant and it stayed with him for the rest of his days.

Give me a civilized train ride
far across this wonderful countryside
with sights and scenery gently passing by
on quiet, smooth rails before I die
Let me dine on proper plates
on a table properly set
a full night's rest on a pull-down bed
nostalgically comfy as it can get
Yes, it will take longer to arrive where I want
whether a new place or a familiar haunt
but bring back the trains of my youth to me
and let me wear my joy for all to see

                                                                        © 10/16/2014 Lauren Swartzmiller