Sunday, March 21, 2021

Countdown to Spring - Oh, Wait ...

That's right.  It came in  Saturday morning.  Oh, yes, yesterday was the official start to spring.  It's going to be a while yet for it to be felt far and wide.  But according to the calendar, it's here.  Friday, the last day of winter, had a short burst of snow in the morning, not even enough to coat everything one last time.  Lots of wind as well, enough to take down a few larger dead trees, one of which fell in the back yard of the house where I live.  No damage, no injuries.

With all the above-freezing temperatures we've been having locally in the last two weeks, there isn't a smidge of snow left.  I did say that I would do the Snoopy Dance when that happened.  I made the attempt to show that cartoon beagle joy, only to discover I'm not as young or agile as I used to be.  Happily, there is no video of my sad little attempt, but it's the thought (that I didn't end up in the emergency room) that counts.

Crocuses are up and in bloom, snowdrops were up and in bloom and are done for the season.  Daffodil leaves have emerged, but I haven't seen any blooms or buds yet.  Some of the trees are more than ready to let those leaves show themselves, others not so much.  But most importantly, the wild onions have appeared in the yard, and I can see the stinky skunk cabbage as I drive over the bridge and out into the world for work and shopping.  No dandelions yet, but they're only a week or two away.

Lots of spring bird songs now.  Many of the migrators have returned, but I have yet to see is a robin.  I know they're out there, but I've usually seen them stalking earthworms in the nearby park by now.  I'm sure they're here – somewhere else.  Eventually, I'll see my first one and, as always, it'll make me smile.

So after our long, cold, pandemically-influenced winter, more daylight, warmer temperatures and more chance of rain than snow seem to have more meaning.  I don't know about all of you, but this seasonal renewal that is spring is especially welcomed this year.  

Get out there and enjoy it.  I know I will.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Countdown to Spring - The Big and Little Cats of March

There's a saying that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb,  The latter part of that saying remains to be seen, but this month definitely came in roaring. March 1st was ushered in by some gusty winds, and there have been several days, today included, where it's been kicking dust and debris around at 30-40 miles per hour out there.  My deck and walkway have been littered with tree branches, what I refer to as Mother Nature doing her final housekeeping of the winter season by clearing away the dead branches so that the ones still with life in them have room to grow.

My winter housebound cats (their choice to stay in and keep their feet, faces and fur warm and dry) don't like going out when it's windy.  But last week, when the temperatures got into the 50s and 60s during the day, they were outside sucking up the light and heat of the sun anytime the wind died down.  They've also discovered that at around 8:00 AM (now 9:00 AM thanks to Daylight Saving Time that started today), the sun comes streaming in the balcony door and they can get their solar "fix" for at least an hour before it goes away and returns on the other side of the house around 11:00 AM.  So, while the big cat of winter may roar all it wants, the little cats seek out signs of it going away and of better days that are coming.  They're as tired of the darkness and chill as we are.

Only 6 days until spring.

Sunday, March 07, 2021

Countdown to Spring - Looking Down is Looking Up

Okay, not quite Snoopy Dance celebration time, but ever so much closer.  Lots of snowmelt over the last week and lots of bare ground showing. Interestingly, grassy areas seem to be the last to undergo the transformation.  Shame - brown ground is nice, but green is so much more supportive of spring fever.  

The ground around trees has shown the biggest melt, and looking up, I can see why.  Their branches show extensive budding.  They know it's time to wake from their dormancy.  I have a coworker who taps maple trees to gather the sap and make syrup.  Although he had slow start this year, he's seen the signs of tree life as well and is preparing both trees and equipment for this annual activity.  In the past, I dropped hints that I would welcome being a paying happy recipient of some of that freshly made syrup gold, but it's always destined for family consumption.

By the way, I FINALLY bought the soil to start my seeds and that'll get done today.  I may or may not have seedlings by the time I reach the end of this silly series for this year, but I'll still reap the benefits of the early start of my little herb garden sooner rather than later.  I don't start vegetable seeds because I don't have the room for much more than one or two veggie plants.  The patio tomato plant will be a purchase later on, maybe around my birthday in May.

This coming week will bring – be still, my heart – 50s and even 60s during the day.  It's going to drop back to the 40s again by the weekend, but if ever a pandemically isolated, winter-weary world could use some sunnier and warmer time, it's now.

Only 13 days to spring.