Monday, February 02, 2015

Countdown to Spring: And So It Begins …

Last year, I posted every day to my personal Google page from Ground Hog’s Day to the first day of spring.  This year, I will be posting here instead.  So, if there be any followers of this blog who don’t want to read my banal words lamenting winter weather and the lack of spring day after day after day, ignore all posts starting with “Countdown to Spring” until after March 20, or 20 March for some readers who know who they are.  Most entries will be mercifully shorter than today’s post.

It’s presently snowing in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York and we have about 10” from a storm that only started about midnight last night.  It may be  revenge by the sky bears  for my laughing at the snowstorm that wasn’t last week, when they were predicting 18” or more and we only got 4”.  By the way, if you need the sky bear reference explained, you’ve lived in a snow-free location your entire life.  Anyway, they are predicting an inch of snow an hour until sometime after noon today.  When after the noontime hour ‘sometime’ occurs is anyone’s guess.

Speaking of predictions, down in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, the resident ground hog (also referred to as woodchuck, whistling pig, and that little ?##*%! that ate my garden), lovingly referred to as Phil, saw his shadow at the appointed hour this morning.  They were fortunate that the storm took a different course and they weren’t standing in the middle of a foot high snowbank when feisty Phil did his winter forecast thing.  Anyway, for those unfamiliar with the Ground Hog’s Day tradition, when the ground hog sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter.  Well, duh! and *sigh*.  Much as it doesn't really make a difference, I really prefer it when he doesn't see his shadow, as that means the vernal equinox is just around the corner.  However, that corner is still six weeks away.

Only 46 days until spring.

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