Sunday, February 15, 2015

Countdown to Spring: Let's Kill Some Trees

I didn't get out a ruler and measure it, but it looks like we got another 4" of fluffy dry white stuff from the latest winter storm.  I was out at around 3:30 in the morning moving the snow off my porch and sidewalks and, of course, the car – and I was up anyway, in case you're curious.  It wasn't windy at that hour, but I knew it was going to turn blustery later on, so I figured I might as well get it done before the wind chill factors took a nosedive.

As the day went by, I began my quest to find seeds online.  I visited the websites of about 10 companies.  Some were like old friends, companies I bought seeds from in the past.  Others, while I knew their names, I'd never done business with them.  I perused webpage after webpage, drooling over the most perfect specimens of vegetables, flowers, herbs, trees, etc. that could be photographed. They never turn out looking that wonderful in the average garden or yard. However, these places are not just selling a product, they're selling a dream, a paradise that could be yours for the humble price of .... HOW MUCH?

Yes, the prices online were pretty similar to what I saw in that one seed display I looked at the other day.  Factor in the shipping and, for the most part, it cost less to buy the seeds locally.  There was one exception, a seed coop company, where I saw prices for seeds  like I haven't seen in at least five years.  Even with the shipping charges, they appear to still cost less than what I could purchase locally.
There is one thing I grow every year, though, that I can only find in one company's catalog and it's not my more economical seed coop place.  So, there will likely be two orders going out soon.

However, I found myself yearning to continue the journey through pictures and descriptions of perfect plants, a sojourn that could be continued away from the computer.  Yes, I wanted catalogs.  They don't send them out automatically anymore since it costs them money to produce and mail them and they're not necessarily recouping those costs in the sale of goods.  Maybe that's why the prices make my eyes bug out to look at them.  Anyway, as environmentally unfriendly as it might be, I requested four catalogs that would make me smile as I turned the pages and daydreamed of how their wonderful items might look in my fantasy garden world.

Forgive me, I have spring and cabin fever and I need a dose of dose of hopeful green.  I promise to recycle the paper, okay?

Only 33 days until spring.

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