Friday, September 11, 2015

My Editorial Error

I got a very nice e-mail from a friend regarding my post today in my other blog.  For those not following it, it's a countdown to the first day of fall, with me blogging blandly on a daily basis on one subject or another in the theme of the seasonal change.

My friend commented that it was a good entry, "But, Lauren dear, change the title."  Huh?  Now, why in the world should I change the title?  I looked at the entry in edit mode and still didn't understand.  Then I went to blog view and it hit me like a smack in the face.

The date, September 11, directly above the blog title.
The blog title:  Countdown to Fall – Bombs Away

Any other day, it might have been a clever take on the fact that black walnuts, which the entry was about, drop loud and hard and can do some damage in their fall to Earth.  Yeah, any other day.

I scheduled this entry to post the day before.  Due to poor sleep over the last several days, it didn't even register that I was posting something with such a poor choice of title on a day which still resonates so strongly with people, including me.  To my tired brain on September 10th, it was just tomorrow.

I've heard some say that it's been over 10 years and it's time to start moving on from that part of our history.  It's time to stop tolling bells and reading names.  It's time to stop visiting these sites like a sojourn in painful memory.  It's time to stop pussyfooting around the 9/11 date and return to normalcy.

Uh, no, it's not.  When the loss of thousands of lives in coordinated attacks in the matter of a morning starts to mean nothing, then we'll have lost a huge chunk of our humanity in that moment.

I thank my friend for knowing I hadn't really become desensitized to the significance of the day and for giving me that prod.  While the blog entry remains, the title has been changed.  My apologies to anyone who might have been offended by it.

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