Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Countdown to Fall – September's Cooking and Not in a Good Way

Much as I don't look forward to the slide toward colder temperatures for financial reasons, right now I'd welcome it.  I am not a hothouse plant and don't enjoy temperatures in the high 80s and low 90s with humidity that makes it that much more oppressive. Indoors offers some relief, but day after day of those temperatures and even the best insulated home (mine isn't) will retain the heat.  It's still cooler than outdoors, but not by much.

Night time is only cooling into the 70s locally.  I chose not to have an air conditioner a long time ago.  They're energy suckers even at their most energy efficient, and I find the hum more annoying and sleep disturbing than a fan.  On days and nights like this, though, it makes me wonder if having just one teeny, tiny A/C unit to have available might have been a wise investment back in the days of better income.

As a result of all this summertime weather in September, especially at night, I'm getting very sleep deprived.  Yeah, just try and find a cool spot on the sheets.  I'm yawning as I type this and I've been up for two and a half hours already.  I know the break is coming in about two days and we'll be back to cooler and drier weather that is more September-like after that.  I will welcome it with open arms, followed by a long nap.

Until then – mmph, more coffee.

Only 15 days until Fall.

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