Thursday, September 10, 2015

Countdown to Fall – Revitalized

Well, sort of.

It took a while before things cooled off last night after a most-welcome line of rain and thunderstorms blew through my area during the early evening hours.  I slept better than I have for the past week, but I can't say that it was completely comfortable sleeping.  While it got into the the low 70s and will likely remain there today, it was and is still pretty muggy.  There is another line of rainy stuff expected this evening, and then it should get nice.

From the rain that we got, however, came another revitalization.  The ground has been very dry, but with the change that came yesterday came that wonderful earthy smell that accompanies the season.  Granted, it's the smell of decaying leaves combined with a few flowering plants, etc., but with it being so dry before, the fragrances of autumn just weren't there.  Yesterday and today, there is a hint of them returning.

The leaves still on the trees also look a bit better as well. Perhaps there will be something more than them drying up and dropping off as I've been seeing the last two weeks.  While it isn't as simple as adding water to the mix, not having water in the mix at all would have guaranteed a short and dull change of color to all the foliage.  Since the colors of fall are part of the joy of the season, one can only hope that the rains we're expecting will make the difference between boring and brilliant change.

Only 13 days until Fall.

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