Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Countdown to Fall – The Final Entry

The autumnal equinox began in the early morning hours today.  The sun rose and the day looked just like yesterday.  Well, that's the thing about seasons changing. They generally don't look, sound, smell and feel what we remember them to be until a few weeks in.

Since I began writing this short series the day before Labor Day, the sun has traveled a little more southward and is a little lower in the sky.  The south window in my main room is now getting direct sunlight, something it hasn't gotten since, well, March.  Our little bit of Sol, which is another name for our sun, rises later and sets earlier by almost 15 minutes each way now.  The days are cooler and will continue to cool and soon we'll start to bundle up in warmer clothes. Well, here in New York, anyway.

I thank all those who have been following the series.  It's gratifying to know that my inane musings in the theme of the change of seasons have been at least a little readable.

So, even if the world around you doesn't look like fall, perhaps never looks like the fall in the picture above, here in the Northern Hemisphere, it has arrived. Get out there and enjoy the day.

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