Sunday, September 20, 2015

Countdown to Fall – Closing Down

A cold front passed through earlier today, bringing with it a fresh, hearty breeze and lower humidity.  It was wonderful and my longer than usual walk this morning was a delight.

However, my joy slowly diminished as the day went by.  The temperature in the very early hours of the morning was in the 70s.  As I write this at close to 3 in the afternoon, it’s now in the mid 60s and the breeze coming in the windows is getting more bracing than refreshing. 

I checked the forecast for the next couple of nights, and much as mid to high 40s and dry makes for better sleeping weather than low 70s and humid, it also makes for chilly surfacing from the covers first thing in the morning.  Brr, Baby.

And so, it begins.  The closing of windows to keep it warmer inside than out.  I only had six windows open to allow for cross-breezes.  I’ve now closed three and there may be one more shut down before I head for bed.  I really don’t want to.  It’s a concession that a) colder mornings have arrived and b) I’m not as young as I used to be and don’t tolerate the cold as well as previously.  It may be eye opening to feel at 5 AM, but it’s also cold on the toes.

However, to keep my denial going for a while longer, the screens and the fans which have sat in front of them all summer will not get put away just yet.  After all, the sun can still warm things and 70s and 80s are still possible, right?  Right?

Only 3 days until Fall.

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