Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Countdown to Fall – Summer’s Back

Well, technically, it never left.  As I stated so emphatically before, it’s still summer until September 23rd.  But having those 70s during the day and 50s at night (ah, sleeping weather returns), which is more in line with where it should be this time of year, was really nice.  Granted, I had to throw the comforter back on the bed a few weeks earlier than expected, but it still beats trying to find a cool spot on the sheets for a few more winks of broken sleep due to the overly warm overnights.

This morning, it was a bit nippy in the house post-shower.  When my house cools down, it holds it in for a while.  This afternoon, the temperature was back up in the mid-80s, although a lot drier than last week.  The chilliness of my home’s interior this morning made it a sanctuary from the heat this afternoon.  It’ll likely be the same weather scenario for the next few days, but then return to nicer 70s by the weekend. I don’t plan on spending all my time inside, but it’s nice to know I can retreat to cool when it gets toasty and not have to worry about my electrical bill taking a jump.

Of course, nice temps in the 70s soon lead to 60s, then 50s, then 40s …. well, we all know where this is going, and pretty soon, we’ll miss those 80s,  90s and 100s.

Yeah, sure we will.

Only 8 days until Fall.

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