Saturday, March 07, 2015

Countdown to Spring: Daylight Savings Time

There was a time not so long ago that this wouldn’t even have been a topic in this boring series of blog entries.  When I was growing up, Daylight Savings Time didn’t kick in until mid to late April.  Now, it’s showing up before spring even arrives.  They claim it is cost-efficient in terms of energy use based on statistical analysis of our fuel consumption over the years.  However, as we become more and more an alive, awake and kicking civilization 24/7/365, I wonder how much longer that savings will continue and ultimately how much longer the policy of moving the clocks ahead one hour in the spring and dropping them back in the fall is still a viable one.

For the time being, though, the policy remains in effect.  So, much as I was enjoying the dawn showing itself between 5:45 and 6:15, with sunrise shortly after that and sun over the horizon and warming the world shortly just before 7, tomorrow takes us back to darkness at 5:30, with sunrise at 7:19.  The temperature won’t be going up as soon as it was, either, and when you’re looking at single digits or less on the thermometer, you want the temperature outside to rise sooner, not later.

It isn’t just the concept of losing an hour’s sleep tomorrow.  That’s no big deal for me.  But, I’m a morning person by nature.  I wake without an alarm clock at 4 AM.  I enjoyed watching the sun slowly join me in the earlier morning hour.  It was part of the whole transition to spring and now, like the snow and ice, the morning darkness becomes one more aspect of winter that’s hanging on too long.  The later hour of sunset is nice, but not as nice as the earlier sunrise was.

Don’t forget to set your clocks forward either tonight or first thing tomorrow, unless you live in Arizona or Hawaii.

Only 13 days until spring.

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