Saturday, March 14, 2015

Countdown to Spring: Ah, Rain

Shortly after sunrise, there was a pitter-patter on my roof.  It wasn't that flock of starlings mentioned in an earlier entry coming in to land and look for breakfast. It definitely wasn't snow or sleet, either.  It wasn't even the freezing rain they had forecast for the morning hours in my area.  It was just plain old rain.  You know, water that falls from the sky that isn't frozen?  That wonderful stuff.  The stuff that helps make the frozen stuff disappear.

Yeah, I know, it has its drawbacks in showing up this time of year, flooding from snowmelt and blocked waterways being one of the problems.  Still, I welcome it.
For the sight and sound
of raining coming down
means the signs of winter
will more quickly leave town

Only 6 more days until spring

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