Friday, May 03, 2013

The Birthday Post

What a way to start the day -- I have a raccoon in the house.  At 11:30, I interrupted while he was eating cat kibble. There's no mistaking that loud crunching. Unfortunately, my coming in on his dinner sent my unwelcomed visitor into a state of panic and unable to find his way out the way he came in (cat door).  He's presently in the main room, leaning into the northeast corner as though sent there by mommy. Finally, a self-punishing raccoon!!! Guess I'm up for a while longer.

I stayed up until midnight and welcomed the day like it was New Year's, sparkling apple cider and all.  Technically, it is a new year, just a personal rather than global one.  Some might call it self-centered to view it that way.  But, if you can't give the day some meaning and just a little hint of fanfare, even if you're the only one who gets to appreciate it, then it becomes just another day on the calendar and nobody should give into that for their birthday.

I tried to stay up until midnight last year, but didn't make it.  I'm hoping this year's success translates into other areas of my life.  I arrived alive at 55 (years), but it was a lackluster age for me.  I'm hoping and shall work toward better for the next 365 days.  The numbers geek in me is actually looking forward to next year, when this woman born in '57 will in fact turn 57.  Aw, come on, it's kinda cool.

Well, time to go downstairs and see if my cat food bandit has left the building.  I hope so.  I had plans for the day and they didn't include being groggy past 6 AM.

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