Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The Fiscal Cliffhanger

Whether or not a deal was reached before midnight between Democrats and Republicans on our fiscal future, we were still going to go over the cliff, Folks.  They hemmed, hawed, negotiated and stalled us past the 11th hour, and by 'they' I mean all parties.  The line between good guy and villain in this case is a bit blurred.

I keep getting this image of the Warner Brother's cartoon character
Wile E. Coyote going over the cliff and crashing on the desert floor below. 

Folks, Wile is us.  Thing about Wile is that he survived and so will we all.

Oh, the horror -- we're going over this virtual symbolic cliff on 1/1/13 and the spending cuts and tax nightmares begin.  AAACCCKKK!  Does the world end when it happens?  Is there no turning back?  Well, granted, we may go splat at the bottom of the cliff, but that doesn't mean we can't get up and continue working to fix things.  More specifically, 'they' need to continue working to fix things, perhaps retroactive to 1/1/13 if they can't get harmonious in their vision within a relatively short period of time.

A final suggestion for all parties concerned:  you really need to put a guardrail at the top of that cliff so we don't go over it again.  And maybe a speed limit.  And a couple of speed bumps.  Maybe some landscaping as well.  You can take that symbolism any way you want so long as the issues get dealt with -- please?

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