Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Memory Does Not Betray on the Date of Inauguration Day

Despite the fact that the inauguration celebration is on Monday, January 21st this year, the date of the actual swearing in was and is January 20th.  Why?  I have no idea except that it started with FDR.  It's a question to put to historians.  I used to be a history buff, but my interest has waned along with my middle-age memory of it.

For some reason, though, the day the President of the United States is sworn in stays with me, when he or, perhaps in my sooner rather than later lifetime, she promises to do the job and "... to the best of my ability, preseve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."  It's a promise to do their finest work for the people of this country and, in a way, the whole world during their time in office.  It's a sworn oath not to screw us over or run us into the ground, and I believe that's it's a promise that will be upheld.   

A bon voyage in your renewed four-year journey, President Obama.  It's not the smoothest path you've chosen to continue your trek on, but it's worth the trip -- for all of us.

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