Monday, March 20, 2017

Countdown to Spring - The Final Entry

Well, much as I don't think the snow got the memo, it is officially Spring.  It came in at 6:29 AM EDT.  I stood at my front door staring out at the developing light of dawn on the horizon and wished the world a happy spring as the seasons changed.

While parts of the country won't see the green grass, flower beds and gardens for a while yet, rest assured, they're all still under there just biding their time.  Of course, if you're impatient like me, you'll go dig 'em out.

So once more, this countdown series comes to an end.  I'd like to thank those who follow this blog, if only during this time.  I hope it made you smile, even if you thought it was silly.

Now, get out there, Folks, and enjoy this season.  Defy winter's defiance in leaving if it's persistent.  The reawakening of life has begun again, including within ourselves.  Don't waste it.

Spring has sprung.

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