Sunday, March 19, 2017

Countdown to Spring - The Last Day of Winter (Sort of)

For those who have read this inane series before, you know I normally take a walk on the final day of winter and report on all the signs of spring that I can.  However, despite the beautiful weather outside just made for that purpose, I'm not up to it today.  Probably all that damned shoveling.

The snow pack has decreased, but it's going to be a a while before brown and green replace white for the ground color here in uptstate New York.  But, spring is still letting us know it's on its way in the form of buds on trees and birds singing to claim their place, among other little hints.

We'll have chilly temperatures and even some single digits at night on Wednesday, but after that, well, it could very well be the real thing.

You know ...

Only 1 day until Spring.

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