Wednesday, July 19, 2017

And in My Return Entry, I Have Only This to Say ...

Soup this good just has to be summer.

Forgive me, Campbell's Soup Company.  It is one of my favorite sayings when the weather gets this warm and humid in my native New York.

Yeah, yeah, I know – almost a year since the last entry.  It's been long and hard for me during that time.  Lost a job, almost lost my house to unpaid taxes, but sold it and moved out of what was my home of 58 years, etc.  There's more yada, yada, yada to go with that, but I won't bore you with more tidbits.  I'm not terribly inspired to write when things are not at their best.  There was a time when I was, a diversion from the bleak.  Not really into that anymore.

But now, things are better and I'm back.  Deal with it like I have to deal with this crappy weather that costs me sleep.

Mmph – coffee.

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