Monday, March 06, 2017

Countdown to Spring – The Short Blooming Season

The good news – we didn't get down into the single digits Saturday into Sunday as predicted, although we did manage to get down into the low 10s just before sunrise on Sunday and Monday.

The bad news – most of the snowdrops didn't survive the transition from balmy warmth to frigid chill.  Hard to say on the crocuses yet.  I'll know better tomorrow.  However, I think their demise had less to do with the weather and more to do with deer wanting a colorful salad last night.  I was hard-pressed to find any crocus buds this morning and there had been plenty ready to pop open Sunday before the temperature took its second nosedive.  Ah, well, critters gotta eat.  Thank goodness they don't like daffodils.

Only 14 days until Spring.

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