Thursday, January 14, 2016

And the Frenzy Ends

I awoke this morning as I fell asleep last night, a working class woman dependent on the paycheck I get on Friday.  I suspected this was going to be the case, so I wasn't disappointed, just $2 poorer.

The $1.6 billion dollar Powerball jackpot numbers were matched by three tickets sold in three states – California, Florida and Tennessee.  Hard to say whether the people who won are aware of their changed life status or not, as no one has come forward yet.  Shock, joy, sharing of joy, and maybe a little bit of planning and preparation for what's ahead before we learn who they are, perhaps.

I genuinely wish whoever they are continued happiness and hope they do wonderful things with the money for the people and world around them.

We now return to normalcy and life at the grindstone.

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