Saturday, February 02, 2013

I Love You, Phil

As I sipped my coffee with reverence in anticpation of Punxsutawney Phil's Groundhog Day prediction, they dragged out the critter that's a cousin to the ones turning my front yard hill into a maze of dens.  They put him through the pomp and cirumstance that happens every year at this time in that little town in Pennsylvania and got his prediction.  He usually sees his shadow in the minutes after sunrise, indicating six more LONG weeks of winter. 

But not this time!  The cute little ground hog didn't see his shadow this morning and has predicted that spring is just around the corner.  Woo-hoo!

Phil, for at least this year, I promise not to call you a stupid woodchuck.  You've done my winter-weary heart good.  You are my hero.

Unless you're wrong. 

This message brought to you by the Spring Fever Perpetuation Association.

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