Wednesday, May 02, 2012

My Birthday Wish List

The sublime to the ridiculous and back again in a stream of consciousness fashion for the upcoming day.

1) A full time job, preferably with a pay scale that's more than minimum wage

2) A huge lottery win where a full time job becomes optional.

3) A roof that doesn't leak

4) A foundation that doesn't look like a map of the San Andreas fault

5) A cat that doesn't purr in my face and walk all over me at 4:30 in the morning to get breakfast

6) To find my keys - one set would be nice, two sets would be perfect

7) To write something that isn't ignored by those who write out checks for such things (rejection notices are better, honest -- at least I'd know someone's actually reading the stuff)

8) A lawn that wouldn't be bare if I doused it with weed killer

9) To be taken out to lunch

10) To be taken out to lunch by an intelligent man with a sense of humor who tickles my fancy

11) To have my fancy tickled in ways that would make this post need an adult content warning

12) To find a pair of pants in a local store in my size and the proper length

13) A house that cleans itself and STAYS that way

14) To have the money and energy to go back to school and get the four year degree in journalism that I've always secretly wanted

15) A solar/electric/gas hybrid car whose price tag wouldn't make my jaw drop and cause me to slink quietly back to my 15 year old blue auto beast

16) To be able to do 100 sit-ups and not have to pay the price for it the next day

17) To get a full night of unbroken sleep on a regular basis

18) To find an open kayak cheap and regularly use it

19) To find the perfect small house on several acres in the perfect countryside location and live there until my dying day, preferably with that fancy-ticklin' gentleman

20) To have good health and sound mind until my dying day

21) To have a world at peace, where all people love and respect one another and differences aren't met with anger and violence, where there is no war or famine, no want or need, and our planet is forever a healthy, viable and life-sustaining big blue marble as viewed from space.

I'd give up items #1-20 in a heartbeat to have #21.

Happy Birthday to me.

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