Sunday, February 05, 2012

The Carefree Days of Income Tax Refunds

I always used to do my own income taxes. I still can. I was born with an ability to read instructions and do the math. Nowadays, though, I file electronically through one of the large income tax preparation companies. The reason for this is that it takes longer to process the paper through the system than it does to process the electronic return.

That being said, I'm one of the happy people who generally gets a refund rather than break even or have to pay more into the system. In my lifetime so far, I've only had to pay in twice and I'm quite content with that.

Then, there's the lament. In earlier days, I used to get to "play" with my refund. Buy optional stuff, do frivolous things, be happy in the return of my money that the government's gotten to play with for a year before giving it back to me. Younger, simpler times. Now, it goes to paying bills and buying groceries. Breathing space in my a heating fuel consumption winter weary world.

I'll take it, of course, but I'd really like to buy something more silly than an organizer for my bills and receipts for the new year with it.

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