Monday, January 01, 2018

Happy New Year

Oh, gee, have we reached the new year?  Time flies.

Didn't write the third part of my "Moving Out and On" series, but I'm sure no one minded.  Haven't written anything since September and I'm sure few noticed.

I had a year of abrupt change and adapting to new situations.  Not calling it a bad year, as these changes were required on multiple levels.  But, my muse got tired of waiting as my writing, poetry, etc., took a back seat and the self-inflicted creative stifling (read writer's block) took over. 

But, the dust has pretty much settled on all things new in my life, and  I'm fairly sure things will be getting better here as a result. 

No self-applied pressure to achieve here – no, not much.

Yo, Muse – hit the time-clock.

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