Sunday, January 12, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/12/2025

Vertigo - when you discover that the world really does revolve around you.


Friday, January 10, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/10/2025

 "I have a sore throat, a cough, and a fever of 103.  But I'll be in tomorrow."

Uh – no you won't, and we don't want you, anyway.  

People, no one is THAT indispensable.  The Big Four of Winter 24-25 (COVID, Flu, RSV and Norovirus) don't need to be perpetuated by the overly dedicated.  If you've got the symptoms, regardless of whether you chose to get checked out for them or not, use some common sense and wait at least 24 hours after your symptoms have gone (especially fever) before you decide to expose the rest of us to what you had.

In other words, STAY THE  %#&#  HOME !!!!!

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Thought for the Day – 1/9/2025

I finally heard from an old college friend who lived in the Malibu area and he, his wife, their two dogs and two cats are safe.  They lost their home, but got out everything they wanted and needed.  I also made contact with two online friends who I know were also in the line of fire(s) out in the Los Angeles area, one a fellow hobby writer and the other a fellow autoimmune disease person.  Both got the hell out of the hellfire zone with their loved ones and what they needed.  My fellow creative soul has COPD and ended up briefly in the hospital from the smoke.  Eventually, they'll go back and assess the damage.

I am relieved to have heard from them, but it's hard to not be out there to help.  I can donate mony, but it's not the same as hands-on assistance, something that I'm just starting to physically feel up to again.

But we all need to do what we can.  This is not over by a long shot, and recovery from these fires, once eventually out, will take weeks to years and for some, recovery will be impossible and they will have to move on. 

Please give your support in whatever way you can, and keep those positive thoughts and prayers going.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/8/2025

Multiple thoughts, not just one, for all impacted by the devastating fires in the Los Angeles area.  

If you're out there, please don't try to "save" your home.  Things can be replaced, you and loved ones can't.  Take yourself, your family, your pets and what's important and essential  (documents, medicines, photos, clothes, foodstuffs) and please GO.  Don't stop until you're safe.

A special thought of respect and thanks to fire, police and emergency medical personnel for what they're doing and enduring for everyone's sake.

May the winds calm and the fires slow enough to be contained sooner rather than later.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/6/2025

On this less than happy anniversary on our country's history, let it be a quiet day.

Thought for the Day = 1/5/2025

Why can't laundry do itself?  Why doesn't ever listen to me when I ask it to?  It just sits there in a disobient lump.  It only has to crawl on the basket, invite the detergent and fabric softener along, drive two miles to the laundromat, wash, dry and fold itself, come home and put itself away.

Wow - no wonder it doesn't want to.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/4/2025

I feel Iike a runner who hit their physical/mental wall at Mile 4 and pushed through to Mile 6.

Never mind that my wall was at Mile 0.5 and I pushed through to Mile 0.99999, and I wasn't running.

Accomplishment is accomplishment, no matter how humble.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/3/2025

Yoga is so much more interesting with a cat to nuzzle and nibble at your fingers when you're trying to do savasana (corpse pose).

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/2/2025

Remembering my eldest sister, Charlotte.  She died on this day in 1985 at the age of 34.  I didn't get to say goodbye before she passed, as I was in the air and heading to see her when it happened.  My last memory of her is better than the one I would have encountered in the ICU and perhaps that's the way she wanted me to remember her.

Miss you, Bossy Boots.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Thought for the Day - 1/1/2025

A cup of coffee at 10 PM is perhaps not the best choice to stay awake until midnight to see the new year in.

Three and a half hours later .... hello, sleep?  Come back!  I'll never do it again.