Just in time for the cold and flu season, not to mention anything else that might slow a body down to a crawl when we feel we can ill afford it comes this little ditty. It was actually written for someone I know from work who looked and felt like crap, yet still insisted on coming in. Instead of yelling at or giving them the slap upside their head they so richly deserved, I made them my muse and wrote this. It's not perfectly worded or metered and as poetry goes, it's not my most stellar stuff. Yet, people have been asking for copies of it. You know I don't get it.
Love it, hate it, copy it, give me credit for it, but above all, take it to heart.
A Poetic Prescription
Not at your best
And wanting to rest
You push through it because it’s expected
But try as you might
your body knows what is right
and does opposite what your brain has elected
It’s not malingering you show
It’s malaise, as you know
A symptom that something is wrong
Cells scream, “Take it easy!”
(Yes I know this is cheesy)
And if you listen it won’t be as long
Slower steps, shorter days
Do less, friend, just laze
The wiser person in your head knows this is true
For the world will go on
And soon this will be gone
And you’ll be back to being a good as new you
Lauren Swartzmiller