Well, I realize there are a few hours to go before my time zone passes quietly into October 22, 2011 and that there are a few more times zones to go before the entire planet slips from 10/21 to 10/22 without apocalyptic incident. But, hey, I'll be sleeping by then.
So many have predicted the end of the world unsuccessfully before, some more than once. The world is less than perfect and the Creator will now be coming in and taking the good little children to Heaven and the bad little children will be heading in the other direction. Sometimes, the date is vague and is supposed to land between certain days, or the date is declared as an absolute. Either way, the believers will be prepared and the non-believers, aka the rest of us, regardless of whether or not we've lived good and just lives, won't be setting foot in paradise simply because we didn't agree. The days come and the days go and we're all still here. Those who predicted otherwise may simply go silent or may take the "Cataclysm's Gonna Happen" stand again. And again. Thing is, there are just so many times you can cry wolf when there isn't one before the village ignores you.
The end-sayers are right, though. Eventually, there'll be an end of days for this little semi-solid ball of rock we call Earth. It might be long after we're gone and the cockroaches are taking their turn at running the place into the ground, or the planet and all its inhabitants may go together in one big unanticipated -- or perhaps anticipated, but unavoidable -- moment of our sun going nova. It seems to be the way the universe works sometimes.
It is true that many people will die today. It happens every day. We don't like it, especially when it's violent, possibly avoidable, and someone close to us (or even us), but it's the normal process of things. Circle of life, whatever you want to call it. Sometimes we can prepare for it, make peace with ourselves and those around us, and await whatever comes after this existence. Sometimes we can't. We generally don't know when that day will come and I for one don't really want to know. There's so much to do, to see, to experience, even if it's in the routine of this day and the next. Knowing might spoil some of the joy. I don't think we should live our lives in anticipation of a holy rapture, but instead should be enraptured in the beauty and challenges before us here and now. I have a feeling that's really how it's supposed to be.
With that thought, I end this entry and prepare for bed. I live in anticpation of waking up tomorrow morning, feeding cats, making coffee, exercising and just enjoying the two days off from work as I usually do. If I'm meant to bore you again with my words after today, don't worry, I will.