Monday, September 26, 2011

My Friend of Many Years

Simply drawn and simply named The Protestor.  I first started drawing him back in 1970.  He is my alter ego -- flower child, silent protestor, the perennial hippie creature.

You may not see much of him as he's been likened to a variation of Cousin Itt of "The Addams Family" fame, which he is not.  Any similarity to Charles Addams cartoon creation was and is unintentional.  However, I did promise a while ago that I would post his picture.


Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Has it Really Been Ten Months?

At the beginning of the year, I sat down and wrote myself a set of goals for 2011.  Yes, I suppose they were resolutions and, as we all know, were meant to be broken.  Some were, some weren't.  Unfortunately, one of the ones that was broken was to goal to write more.  Online, offline, doesn't matter -- haven't done it, and yes, it has been just about 10 months since I've posted anything here. 

I can make the excuse that life got in the way, but I think everyone would agree it's a poor excuse.  At the most happy, sad or hectic times of my life, I'd always found time to write something. 

I can make the excuse that I had nothing to write about.  However -- and no offense to other other bloggers -- I've seen way too many blog posts that were made out of e-air, possibly hot air as well.  That excuse, too, doesn't fly.

Finally, I can make the excuse that I wasn't feeling like writing anything, that my intangible muse was on the world trek I should have taken and was presently in Venice without me, leaving me with a dirth of creative keyboard conversations.

Yeah, right.  I've said in the past that when I stop having the urge to write to bury me.  NOT YET - NOT READY!!!!

Excuse me now while I call said muse home and yank his passport.

Ah, Venice.