Okay, not the normal entry that a handful of people have come to expect, and by the way, did ya miss me? No? Oh. Nevermind.
Anyway, I changed my layout here. Thing is, with the blue not working on my display, I'm not completely sure how it looks. No, really. Blue stopped working a few months back. Just up and died one afternoon. After doing some investigating, it was determined that it was the display and not the computer telling the display that blue is not to be displayed. The display otherwise works, but the entire viewing experience is kind of dulled. Blues are either green or black, depending on their intended blue hue -- boo-hoo. Sorry, couldn't resist.
So, here I sit, thinking I want a change, that change is good. But right now, it's like getting dressed in a dimly lit room. You don't really know what you've got until it hits the brilliant light of day, and yes, I have done the different socks thing unintentionally, thank you. I make the change, but have to wait until I can see it in full color to know whether I love it or not, or until someone come along and ask if I'm colorblind or tells me I have no knack for setting up my blog page.
Nothing wrong with colorblindness (I actually know a few good folks who are), and as far as style preference or lack thereof - pffft. I'll let you know.
Now, go change your socks, you look silly. Oh, and don't forget to feed the fish at the bottom of the page.