Actually, it was the heat from last year that made me write this bit of silly poetry. Still applies during the hot spell that is July 2006 as much as it did last year about this time. Strange how that happens. To the handful of folks who've already read it, my apologies for the repeat -- go get a lemonade, your choice of alcoholic or non-alcoholic. I prefer the latter. Better for you in the heat, anyway.
Sleep Deprived
5 AM and reluctantly up out of bed
for sleep eluded this weary head
Foggy mind and tired body are mine for today
will the dog days of summer ever go ' way?
Heat and humidity with no A/C
makes sleeping as hard as any chore can be
Sleep and wake, toss and turn, murmur expletive deleted
for the minutes of rest this weather has meted
You can't do much with sleep deprivation
being up and functional a horrid sensation
Every move and thought a much slower act
in the hope of maintaining this life's pact
But September will come with cooler air to be sure
ultimately this insomniac's cure
Until then coffee cups must be filled to the rim
To bring my mind out of its consciousness dim
So as I fill my first moments with muddy brew
and write these poetic words I must coo
If I'm required to look in the mirror at this tired sight
I should have a better reason to be awake at night
Lauren Swartzmiller - 2005